Make Your Own “Independence Day”

Independence Day is once again upon us! The Fourth of July has been an official Federal holiday since 1941, but our celebration of Independence Day goes back to the American Revolution and the very beginnings of our democracy. Now, it’s a time that we get together with friends and family to enjoy cookouts, swim parties, and sunshine. As the July skies start to darken, we celebrate with fabulous fireworks and big band music!

It occurred to me that in addition to celebrating our country’s independence, we women can use this Independence Day to create our own “Bill of Rights” and share them with our husbands, wives, partners, children, and co-workers – so you can make your Now a lot more WOW! This Bill of Rights is not just for one night of fireworks and celebration, but for your every day life situations.

Sick of doing the grocery shopping and meal preparation? Put it in on the top of your own Bill of Rights! “I, (your name), will do the meal prep, but you (significant other), agree to do the grocery shopping.” And when you get the inevitable pushback later, hand them the signed copy of your “Independence Day Declaration.” When your teenager is bugging you to take her to the mall (again) to hang out with friends, remind her that she STILL needs to clean up her room – and when she tells you she doesn’t remember you asked her to do so, show her your signed Bill of Rights!

It may take a little while for spouses, family, and co-workers to adjust to your personal “Bill of Rights,” but a gentle reminder of the Rocket’s Red Glare, and the fact that our flag is still there, should help!

Ready to create your own Bill of Rights? Terrific! Contact me and sign up for a FREE (that’s right, no cost to you at all, no sales pitch, no pressure, just a taste of what kind of support I offer) 30-minute “WOW Session” and we’ll get started on making your Now a whole lot more WOW!