Make 2019 the Year of Your “You-Turn”

Hey Ladies! Jump start your new year and make your Now WOW with a daily practice that is focused on you! I call it the “You-Turn” because us ladies need to be reminded to put the “oxygen mask” on us first, so that everyone else can breathe.

If you are a woman, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a stay-at-home mom, a professional in the workplace, a teacher, a baker, or even a candlestick maker, it’s likely that you do more than your fair share at your job outside of the house, and ditto for inside the house. It might feel like you are regulating the climate control making everyone else feel comfortable while you are quietly sweating (and loudly sweating if you are in menopause.)

What would it be like to regularly treat yourself to some “me time” aka a “You-Turn?”

A “You-Turn” is  a commitment you make with yourself to schedule some serious “me time” that is focused on whatever makes your Now WOW, for example, meeting with friends for coffee or lunch, or treating yourself to a movie that you’ve wanted to see for a while, replete with popcorn, and YES, the gooey, buttery, bad-for-your-health and waistline, but let’s be honest, no other popcorn comes close to tasting that good!)

Perhaps there is museum exhibit you’ve wanted to see for months, or you’ve been dreaming of a heavenly day at the spa!

You may have taught that “You-Turns” are wrong, or selfish, or not allowed. It might be worth inquiring as to who hung up those signs.

Ask yourself, what are the impediments to putting “me time” at the top of your to-do list?

You may find that “the call” is coming from inside the house/office.

To help kick off your “me time” practice, here are some “Make Your Now WOW!” road sign tips on how to practice your “You-Turn” 


• “Speed Limit” – This sign is a great reminder that you are doing too much, or doing it too quickly, or both; this applies to career and home.

• “Yield” –  Helps us to remember that not every disagreement is not worth a fight; so pick the ones that are most important; your coworkers and family members will appreciate your use of this sign!

• “Crossing” –Reminds us that while we’re busy focused on driving to our destination, there are other humans who are simply trying to cross the street safely, so slow down and look around.

• “Emergency Vehicle warning” – If you see the bright red lights of this sign, PULL OVER and turn off the ignition; you are doing too much, or doing it too quickly, or both.


Take some deep breaths, exhale and repeat until your engine is cool and you’re ready to downshift!     

Learning to embrace your “You Turn” may take some time and practice, but if you remember to hang up a “Setting Boundaries” you will never have to worry about your tank going to “empty” while you’re in the left lane on the highway!

If you are ready to start practicing your “You Turn” – click here for a complimentary 30 minute WOW Session with me.